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Growing pains & presales!

by Lauren Phelps on October 07, 2022

This week has held some shop milestones as we continue to get the NEW retail location ready for visitors! That's right, you will soon be able to come shop IN PERSON at our new location! Stay tuned for all the details about when & where!

Part of business is staying strong during growing pains, For LPD that has the space between having our base of operations inside our small home office & having an space where we can expand. We have started the journey of expanding by securing a new home for the LPD family & will work on hiring an employee to work alongside me. This will be so beneficial in reducing order processing times, creating additional lines of offerings and the ability for more design time.

While this change is just withing grasp, we are still at the cusp where the LPD home is still in my tiny, 150 sq foot office. Space is super limited currently, though we have found some really interesting organizational methods. I am basically the only personal doing 'all the things'. a huge step in this process was bringing on a virtual assistant! Bethany, who you may have spoken to in the emails or on the socials, she is a huge blessing and really keeps me going! Big shout out to her :) I so much appreciate your patience and support while the 'fresh, new shinny' office comes together and we push through the rest of things here.

I have added a real time washi presale tracking bar (above) where you can see what is happening with the August washi pre-sale. It has arrived, is PERFECT & shipping has started. Trust me, I can't wait to get these items out to you so you can use them. It is the highlight of my entire existence to see you enjoying LPD items 'in the wild'.

As I put my nose down and get both the August washi pre-sale and the PBC orders shipped, we are rounding the corner for our NEW 2023 items. The new 2023 Cover & Pencil board + new 2023 month stickers are releasing on October 14th @ 2pm est. I am really excited about this cover & pencil board design as it features both my favorite flower & hand drawn, exclusive art!

I will also be showing some of the transformations happening over at the NEW LPD offices as we renovate and work on moving into the new space. I can not wait until you are able to come visit in person! Hugs for everyone!

Holiday designs are coming Friday, October 28th & will of course be a bit traditional with a very LPD twist! More to come later on the festivities!

Last note, Will I be seeing any of you at the Sugar Gal Shop event in Orlando? I am hosting a 'Stash to Treasure' interactive workshop & sponsored a table too! Can't wait to meet you all!

So glad to have you here for the fun & to share this exciting growth with you!


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